About $MAGOA

The Republican Party? It's for winners, for patriots. We've got the best people - really terrific people.

You know what we say? America First! That's right. While the Democrats are a total disaster, we're building a big, beautiful wall around our finances. It's gonna be spectacular, believe me!

How To Buy $MAGOA

Contract Address: .....
Create Wallet

Choose a wallet like metamask by installing the extension or downloading the app. Follow the instructions to create or import a wallet.

Get some Base ETH

Buy ETH from exchanges like Binance or Coinbase. Withdraw base ETH to your base wallet address.

Swap on Uniswap

Go to Uniswap and connect your wallet, set your swap amount and confirm. Follow the prompts to approve the transaction.

$MAGOA Tokenomics

Listen up, 'cause this is where it gets good. We've got 100 million - that's our target. And taxes? We're gonna drain that swamp! Zero percent, folks. That's right - we're giving the power back to you, the forgotten men and women. Your wallet's gonna be saying "Thank you, Mr. President!"

 Copyright © 2024 $MAGOA